The Emerald Isle, otherwise known as Ireland, is a travel destination on many people’s bucket list. With its stunning landscapes, enchanting towns, welcoming people, and a rich history, it’s easy to see why.
Learn more about Ireland with today’s guest, Phil Anderson, Professor Emeritus, University of St. Thomas. Phil traveled to Ireland annually for more than 20 years leading students in a study abroad program. He talks with “Access to Democracy” host Holly Jenkins highlighting spots in Dublin and must-see sites outside of Dublin worthy of a stop. Phil also shares some insider tips on places to visit you may not hear about anywhere else.
Take time to visit Ireland for at least a week or longer, if you can. With non-stop flights available from Minneapolis, this enchanting and beautiful destination is easy to reach. Additional suggestions for traveling to Ireland can be found in these links:
– Ireland Travel – Getting around
– A Suggested Ireland Tour
– A map of Ireland